Educational Documentaries for Kids

In the digital age, children learn in a variety of ways. One of the most compelling methods is through film. Educational documentaries for kids provide a rich, engaging, and often entertaining avenue for learning. These films can introduce your kids to new ideas, provoke thought, and inspire action. In this blog post, we will introduce you to eight powerful educational documentaries, each carefully selected for its ability to captivate young viewers while imparting knowledge. Each film mentioned here also comes with a common sense media suggested age, ensuring the content is suitable and relevant to your child's development stage.

Sufficient Kids

The first documentary on our list, 'Sufficient Kids', is an ideal start to get your kids interested in self-sufficiency. As the film follows the journey of a group of children learning to live off the land, viewers are exposed to key principles of sustainability and environmental care. This film shows kids how, through hard work and innovation, one can lead a life that respects and nurtures our planet. Common sense media suggested age for this documentary is 10+ years.

Educational Documentaries for Kids: March of the Penguins

'March of the Penguins' is one of those documentaries for kids that combines enchantment and education. As the film takes viewers into the harsh and icy world of Antarctica, children come face-to-face with the fascinating life of penguins. This is a must-see documentary, and the common sense media suggested age for this one is 6+ years. The kids will no doubt be captivated by the spectacular footage.

He Named Me Malala

'He Named Me Malala' is an inspiring film that brings to life the true story of Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani Best Documentaries for High School Students girl who stood up for her right to education. The common sense media suggested age is 13+ years for this poignant and thought-provoking film. It's a superb way for kids to learn about bravery, equality, and the power of education.

Our Planet

'Our Planet' is an outstanding documentary series that plunges viewers into the wonders of our world. It's a thrilling journey across the continents, highlighting the incredible diversity of life on Earth. The series showcases some of the most stunning visuals ever captured on film, and the common sense media suggested age for this series is 7+ years.

Documentaries for Kids: A Brief History of Time

'A Brief History of Time', based on the best-selling book by physicist Stephen Hawking, introduces viewers to some of the most complex theories of the universe in an accessible way. Though the concepts may be a bit heavy for the youngest viewers, the common sense media suggested age for this film is 12+ years.

The Eagle Huntress

'The Eagle Huntress' is a thrilling film that follows a young Mongolian girl striving to become the first female eagle hunter in her nomadic tribe's history. It's a visually stunning, emotionally gripping, and truly inspiring film. The common sense media suggested age for this documentary is 8+ years.

Dos and Don'ts

When introducing your children to educational documentaries, it's essential to consider a few dos and don'ts. Do select films appropriate for your child's age and maturity level. Don't force a documentary on them if they show no interest. Instead, try to find a film that aligns with their existing interests. And remember, these films should be a starting point for further discussion and exploration, not a substitute for traditional learning.


Q: How do I know if a documentary is suitable for my child?
A: Check the common sense media suggested age for guidance. It's also important to watch the documentary yourself to make sure the content aligns with your child's maturity and sensitivity levels.

Q: Are documentaries a good way to supplement school learning?
A: Yes, documentaries can provide a great supplement to school learning. They often delve into subjects in a more in-depth and engaging way than a textbook might. Remember to discuss the content with your child afterwards to reinforce their understanding.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, educational documentaries for kids can be an invaluable tool for learning. They have the power to bring complex subjects to life, spur curiosity, and inspire thought. The films we've suggested here cover a range of topics, from science to history, nature to social justice. Choose a film that resonates with your child's interests, and let the journey of discovery begin!

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